That Time I was Forgotten…

That Time I was Forgotten…

Everyone tells you the same story in marketing, right? You spend 7 times more money trying to find the client than you spend to keep them… SO WHY DO WE ALWAYS FORGET THAT? Here’s the deal, yo: I’ve been a Verizon Wireless customer since the day I had...
That Time I Sang It Out

That Time I Sang It Out

“We had a life, we had a love!But you don’t know WHAT you’ve got ’til you looooooooooose it…Well that was then and this issss nowwwwww!And I want you BACK! How many times do I have to say I’m sorraaaaaay? Yes I’m...
That Time I Simplified…

That Time I Simplified…

I was walking my dog this morning… as I usually do after journaling and reading… and I noticed something incredible… For the first minute of Joker’s morning walk… he smiles uncontrollably. It doesn’t matter if I need to adjust his...