I was walking my dog this morning… as I usually do after journaling and reading… and I noticed something incredible…

For the first minute of Joker’s morning walk… he smiles uncontrollably. It doesn’t matter if I need to adjust his collar or we’re waiting for a car to pass by, Joker can’t stop smiling. Joker is who we should aspire to be.

I had a mentor, once, who was very wealthy. Like, the kind of wealth we always talk about wanting- never having to think about money… ever. He said to me,

“Your goal should be to be someone who accumulates wealth and has simple needs.”

This guy enjoyed his work, reading/learning, and tennis. He barely had any casual clothes after work. And, he ate simply.

Now, there are a million reasons that I cannot be this man. I love food. I love traveling. I love experiences.

So, I have a former manager… He has traveled the world, worked on multiple continents, and has very few “things” while he moves from new journey to new journey. But, he didn’t always have the wealth part down.

So, I can’t be Joker… because he’s a dog. And, I can’t be my wealthy mentor because I love tacos. And, I can’t be my old manager because I want to always have what I need to live, be prosperous, and not worry about money.

So, I guess I need to be… ME! I have been planning an eventual move from New York (hopefully to Las Vegas) for over a year, now. But, even though I’ve gone from a big house, to a smaller house, to an even smaller apartment. But, it’s not enough! I want to be mobile so I can drive to my new place! Maybe even multiple small spots around the country? An RV? Something!

That said, Joker and I are having a moving sale! The details are below! See you there!
