From the Instagram Account of Christopher Salute, That Professor (@thatprofessorlife). We will be posting updates on some of our new blogs. Be on the look out.

It’s been over two years since a group of people decided to try to destroy my life. It’s been nearly three years since I’d interacted with most of them. 

I made the conscious decision not to fight back, and instead made some major changes in my life. I was also paralyzed with some external and internal factors forcing me into a corner it took every ounce of energy to get out of. Yes… I did eventually sue some of those folks for defamation (which is what you do when something untrue is written or said about you. I am very accountable for how I spoke to and treated people a few years ago. But, I literally had to google some of the things they accused me of). I hoped that this would subside. It hasn’t. Every day, someone new tells me that these blogs are still being circulated. It has affected my personal and professional lives EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. And, please rest assured, they haven’t won the lawsuit. I simply sued in the wrong state. It’s unfortunately not over.  

What is happening to me is illegal. Due to many factors, which I will start to share, I felt trapped and silenced. These people have tried to take everything they can from me… and they’ve succeeded in some regards. 

I don’t “play the victim well.” I am a victim. Yes… I was wrong for how I treated people. But, their attempts to take everything from me, including contacting professional organizations and jobs with their outright lies is taking this further than I should have ever let this go. This was not a rightful cancelation. This was a witch hunt. 

Yes, this drove my mental health to an almost irreparable point. Fact. They made fun of it. Yes, I desperately begged for “friends” to help. They told me I was deserving of what happened and fed into the lies about me. Fact. Yes, I was trying to reshape the way certain communities and businesses interacted in a positive way. I made missteps there. Those folks lied to me and joined this group in bullying and harrassing me and those close to me. Fact. 

I can’t live like this. You’ll know the truth before this is over. I am very ashamed at the type of person I became while attending bashes, while thinking I was bigger than a movement I committed so much passion and energy to and to be honest… while trying to meld the lure of mainstream media with some of the most disgusting people I’ve ever encountered… people that I did emulate. Yes. I am more ashamed at the hearsay and bullying that has taken place from the absolute street trash who have decided that the way to prove their point was to gaslight me into thinking that my mere existence, my trying to build a life and family for myself, should not be allowed to happen. 

I am exiting as quickly as possible from the media company that I created, for many reasons. I would like to build a life of grace, faith, and love that has nothing to do with this mafia of disgusting narcissistic terrorists. If you are reading this and have had anything to do with turning a rumor mill about a former “player” into a pariah to almost everyone in his life and career, you should be ashamed of yourself.