A note from Christopher Salute

It’s been a long time since I’ve written for any of my magazines. Whether you’d like to believe it or not, I was making that change before anyone told me I should, publicly or privately. But, I do take some time to write once in a while about my history and things I think need to be said. For example, our article on the death of Kristie Storms, one that I am still praying over. Here goes…

I was still transitioning out of my role as “head of content” for Bold Magazine when when I met Kristen Pickrell, who started the conversation with me about some photos of her wearing our token Bold Magazine deep purple. 

We quickly transitioned into a conversation that was more personal, which I will not share. I felt such a draw to this person, one that I still can’t fathom. It was over the internet and across the country. I was smitten, immediately and hoped that she felt the same way, despite our very surface level immediate conversation.

I am not going to give you the details of a personal relationship between an ex and I. As I’ve written and said plenty of times on my radio show, The Barbershop with Christopher Salute, it’s not the right thing to do. But, as you can imagine, we’re no longer together, because I would be by her side, at this moment. And, I have learned a great deal from that relationship. It was a tumultuous yet incredible 18 months that have molded the person I am more than I usually admit. And, the love felt is hard to explain, given the distance between us at most times. 

Everyone comes into your life for a reason. I firmly believe that. I wish I could share the intensity and the details of how much I have learned while spending my brief time with Kristen and the 8 months I’ve spent reflecting on it. But, please trust that it happened. Since the moment we decided to separate, I prayed for her, almost daily. And, I prayed that the mistakes we both made (even though her stubborn butt may not admit hers! *tongue out*), would lead to learning, clarity and growth. I prayed that she found the person she wanted, who treated her with the kindness and respect that I wished for her. I prayed that the next time I met someone who had awoken my senses and showed loyalty to me the way she had, that I would be less hesitant and let them know much earlier how much I wanted to protect them…. love and care for them… make them the only person in my life as quickly as possible… because that is rare to find. And, it was something I took for granted. 

But, relationships end. We know this. Especially during the age of tinder swipes and Facebook where the next space filler is just around the corner. You tend to trade the known quality for the unknown quantity… and I still don’t know why. 

Well, I can only pray so much. Kristen Pickrell needs more prayers, today. She also needs your support. I’ve done what I can, when I can, anonymously, as to not bother her (I am also using a public photo that has already been published, so as to not upset her, should this make it around the world of plus size gossip… yeah, you know who you are- don’t be an ass… someone’s life is in need of positivity and prayer). 

Kristen has been diagnosed with some severe medical conditions. This, from her “Go Fund Me” …

“Unfortunately, Kristy has [recently] began to suffer from [severe] medical issues. Right now she is facing stage 5 kidney failure and the doctors are working tirelessly to try and figure out what is causing it. She has been in the hospital and is not able to work. Although she has insurance, the plan cost $600 a month. In addition to this cost, she is also going to need 2 chemo treatments a month which cost $6000 dollars each. This does not include all of the other experiential medications, doctor bills, hospital bills, and monthly living expenses that she has to cover.”

From Kristen’s Go Fund Me, written by a family friend

Please, take some time to connect with this “Go Fund Me” account and help Kristen Pickrell. You can also see it below: 


And, whatever you decide to call it, be it prayer or positive karma… please send it her way. I, unfortunately, cannot bare to watch many of the videos she’s been posting, for various personal reasons. But, I hear she can use your help. We’re no longer in touch for a variety of reasons, some self inflicted. But, I’ve done a lot of reflecting and I hope and pray that the good being done by sharing this will outweigh any potential hard feelings there may be. I owe it to her. And, if you feel you’ve ever been inspired by me, before… wanted to support me for my work… then please redirect that to Kristen. 

Money comes and goes. So do “friends.” I’ve learned that repeatedly since 2019… the same year I met Kristen and the same year I met my true self.

But love is forever and it is to be cherished…as is health.