*Originally written by Mallory Kneel on fabuplusmagazine.com*

That Professor Life AmericanHomeFitness-seotool-52840-ActivitiesToKeep-Image1 Activities to Keep You Productive During Quarantine

During quarantine, some people have been having trouble staying productive. Schedules change and we all spend more time inside; it can be tempting to mindlessly watch TV for hours. Instead of zoning out, focus on some new activities. Exercise your body and mind. Try out a new hobby. Keep your mind active with brain games. By being productive, you’ll discover more happiness and conquer boredom. You can truly use your time wisely with these activities to keep you productive in quarantine.

Read a Book

This is the perfect time to sit down, relax, and read a great book. Ask friends and family for ideas, and then purchase books online or pick them up at your local library. You may even have some on your shelf you haven’t had a chance to read—now, you have time.

Learn a New Skill

Many people have used quarantine to learn a new skill or take up a hobby. Consider painting, playing an instrument, knitting, or woodworking. Some people have even learned a new job skill, like bookkeeping or coding.

Exercise at Home

Staying active is an excellent way to boost your endorphins while getting healthier during quarantine. It’s easy to exercise at home when it comes to floor exercises and free weights, but cardio can be harder. Jump roping is one of the best cardio exercises to do at home and requires little space.

Keep Your Mind Sharp

Your mind needs exercise, too. Brain games can be fun activities to keep you productive in quarantine. Download a brain game app, do puzzles, learn to play sudoku, play a single-player card game like solitaire, solve riddles, or do vocabulary challenges. It’s also important to relax your mind with meditation.

Improve Your Home

Being in the home more often sheds light on areas that need some improvement. Take up a project like interior decorating, painting, or remodeling. You’ll be surprised by what you can do with a great tutorial and some elbow grease.